divendres, 12 de febrer del 2010

My favourite singer

Sonia Priego is a Spanish singer known as The Hungara, born in 1980 in Écija's Sevillian locality, where it she was giving Fleming's classes in an academy of his your property. She is a blonde dyed, with wavy hair. Sonia is discovered one night singing in a karaoke, where the Kaly sees her, one of the collaborators of Francisco Carmona (musical producer), and it she is this one the one that tells him of Sonia's great voice, remaining in love with his your talent. So they decide to distribute models and to send them to different record until JJ Record's bets for her, with record this one it she is from the year 2001 until 2008, during these years it publishes his your first eight discs.

1 comentari:

  1. hi,you favorite singer Sonia,I never hear her song, she sing good? Why you don't put her song in you blog?.
